Articles by CCDT Editor

Carnoostival 28 May Update

Carnoostival HQ Update_28 May 18 Click on the link above ‘Carnoostival HQ Update’ for latest update from festival HQ And if you’d like to find out more come to: 6pm …

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Carnoostival – festival pack

Our community chose the name ‘Carnoostival’ for our summer festival on 21st July 2018. See attached for festival pack work in progress.  The design is donated free of charge by …

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Bethany Bowles – Carnoustie Shorts Carnoustie Shorts is a collection of 10 films – each film features ordinary Carnoustie people doing extraordinary things. Produced by Carnoustie Community Development Trust in collaboration with Dylan Drummond …

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Festival HQ update

Here’s an overview of what’s done, in progress and next You’re welcome to open meeting every Monday night at the Coop (near station rd) starts at 6pm – see you …

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Calling all High Street retailers…

We’re offering YOU free advertising (online & offline) over the 10 weeks between now and festival.   To qualify please confirm yes to all 3 conditions below:   1-You’re planning …

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Carnival is coming to town…   The Courier front page & p21

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